Scootering is now taking a back seat to riding bikes. Gloria got a princess bike and Cameron got a Spiderman bike. They love them. Cameron has told me that he thinks he is good enough to take the training wheels off...after 1 day. Right!
Since Cameron helped Daddy put Gloria's bike together last night, we kept losing a pedal during our rides today. She would pedal about 20 times before her left pedal would fall off. It was very aggravating. We have a circle we like to go around here that is 1/3 of a mile. I swear I screwed that pedal on 15 times today. And the kids could only go about 10 feet before their momentum would was gone. So every 10 feet they would need a push. Between pushing one, putting the pedal back on, pushing the other, and pulling the dog (she has to smell where all the other dogs you know what), I am exhausted.
So about this pedal...our maintenance man was out today. He is a very nice young man. The kids know him because he has had to fix some things in our apartment. Gloria, who is not too shy to talk to anyone...anywhere, asked him in her sweet voice (with a little prodding from mommy) to fix her pedal. He couldn't resist her. So he tightened it and the pedal is fine now.
After daddy got home, we took the kids across the street to Lugia's. Now, here in New York, there is no such thing as a small ice cream cone. We got the kid's a baby cone. It is huge. But it was 78 degrees today and they needed it. Gloria had totally finished hers and changed her clothes before Cam was even done with the ice cream on top. She takes after me.