Yesterday, during yet another day of scootering, I witnessed the difference between 2 youngsters having fun. Cameron had decided to race our young friend Kaitlyn around our building. He was to go one direction and she was to go the opposite direction. He thought that whoever got back to the corner first was the fastest (I guess the fact that they would have met in the middle didn't cross his 4 year old mind). So Kaitlyn's mom, Donna, and I watched this scene over and over. Cam would start off going as fast as his scooter could take him, all the way around the building. While Kaitlyn would go halfway down one side of the building, turn around and wait for Cameron at the corner. Cameron couldn't believe that she was faster than him. So, he continued trying to beat her. I hurried into my apartment and got my Flip video and recorded the last race. Here it is....
Makes you wonder about a lot of things
5 months ago
I love it. What a good sport Cameron is! You'll have to continue taking full advantage of this throughout the summer.
Hey marci, I found you on Julie D's blog. What is going on? How is everything? I love seeing the kids, Gloria's hair is getting so long-Tell james Hi
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