My sister in law, Krista, isn't a fan of Twilight. Well, she thinks its a good story, but doesn't understand the hype. But she, herself, is secretly married to a vampire. My brother has been a vampire since an early age. I guess she's the lucky one, right.
Ha,ha,ha...that is cute! I guess that explains everything, doesn't it?! I don't need Edward, I've got my own perfect bloodsucker right here!
Your mom showed me these pictures when she came out last month, and I thought they were great! I need to put them on my blog--maybe I will save them for Twilight Friday!! (By the way, I am kind of excited to see the movie, but don't tell anyone) :)
crap i need to order that ticket...remind me tomorrow!!!
What I don't understand is the people who don't understand the series:)))
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