I love my Boise family. I never really saw them very much growing up. Basically just once a year. But I am bonded to them. I love them deeply. Here are some of their pictures. I wish I would've taken more. There are so many that I didn't get pictures of.

My cousin Kathi

This is my aunt Martha. She has dimensia. I was sad that she didn't know me, but I'm glad I got to see her. She was a dancing fool at the reception.

My cousin Dave. He and his wonderful wife housed us for the week.

My cousin Debbie and her daughter Briana (my cousin once removed).

The kids with Mac (Debbie's husband). Cam asked me if we could keep him.

My cousin Steve. He's a hoot.

Steve's daughter Kaitlyn. She loves me because she though I was Belle in my dress.

Steve and Diane, and girls: Jenna, Kaitlyn and Emily.

My dad's new dog. He's learned how to compromise. He didn't want a dog. Becky did. He got a dog.
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