Last week, the kids had a field trip. I always grumble that James has to work on Saturdays, but it was nice that he was able to go to the field trip.
We got to go on a wagon ride.

The kids got to pick their own little pumpkins from the pumpkin patch. Later, when the field trip was over and most of the kids had gone home, we walked past the pumpkin patch to get to the corn maze. Instead of watching more little pumpkins majically growing for the next group, we saw a few workers emptying a big box filled with little pumpkins. Replenishing the pumpkin patch.

Then they got to go down this huge slide. I was surprised Glori went down it, but she did and loved it.

This is Cam with Dylan, one of his best buds.

And, of course, Gloria, with one of her rare moments of willingness to let me snap a picture.